Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road (between River Crescent and Riverside Place) – rolling 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 10 January for 5 days for City Fibre works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Taits Lane – closed from 20 January for 2 weeks for footway resurfacing.

Perth Road – westbound lane closure (off-peak) between Blackness Avenue and Windsor Street from Monday 24 January for 10 days for Road Safety works.

Get local support – a useful new resource for vulnerable people

GetLocalSupport.org is connecting vulnerable people with volunteers approved by volunteer organisations.

It is currently in a test phase and although it will be rolled out across the country in time, it is currently offering support only to vulnerable people based in Dundee.   It is being supported by Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action.

Some of the things people can request are :

+ A conversation with someone
+ Pick up shopping
+ Pick up a prescription
+ Walk my dog
+ Digital skills assistance

You can read more at www.GetLocalSupport.org and make a request for assistance there too.

Community regeneration funding for the West End #dundeewestend


Getting things done – Perth Road #dundeewestend

I have had several complaints recently about the regular extent of flooding on Perth Road outside Harris Academy.

I brought this to the attention of the Roads Maintenance Partnership and have had the following helpful feedback :

“Perth Road as you are aware is very flat so hard to produce run to get rainfall to the gullies quickly So ponding during rainfall is inevitable and is not helped by the Scottish Water sewer being at capacity.

The big problem is we have nowhere to take the surface water to as Scottish Water will not allow any extra flow into their system.

I have passed this to the design team to do some work at the cemetery entrance to try and stop flow from there.”

Magdalen Green footbridge replacement – an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, some time ago, I advised that the City Council was working on a project that, subject to funding support from Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, would replace the Magdalen Green footbridge across the rail line to Riverside, with a new footbridge.

The existing bridge has seen better days and is not suitable for wheelchair users or cyclists, so a bid was made to Sustrans to try to secure money from the Places for Everyone fund to assess the feasibility of replacing it.

This was successful which has allowed design work to progress. However, a more substantial funding award will be necessary to actually deliver the new footbridge. This requires Sustrans to approve the design and the project to gain sufficient support by Sustrans to allow for an award to build the replacement footbridge to go ahead.

I recently contacted the City Council engineer who is working on this project for an update and he has advised :

“Sustrans has asked for some additional information in support of our funding request.

We will continue to work to ensure we meet their feedback and objectives.

This will allow us to resubmit when the next funding allocation opens, next financial year, to take the project forward.”

I will, of course, keep residents updated as the process moves forward.