Miller’s Wynd car park lighting improvements #dundeewestend

Last year, at the request of residents, I raised with the City Council the inadequate lighting in the Miller’s Wynd car park.

At the time I received the following helpful reply from the council’s Team Leader for parking and sustainable transport :

“My colleague from the Street Lighting Partnership went out to the Miller’s Wynd car park last week to assess the situation. 

He reported that while there is power to the lighting column that holds the floodlights, it is difficult to access because of the trees and therefore almost impossible to replace the lanterns safely.

He has recommended an alternative lighting solution (new column, new floodlights, new location) which he thinks would be more effective in bringing the car park lighting up to the expected standard and allow for future maintenance.”

I am pleased to say that this work has now been completed and means the car park is now far better lit.

Getting things done – City Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who reported the fallen tree in City Road to me earlier this week.

I reported this to the forestry team at the City Council to ensure it is removed.

Getting things done – City Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who reported the fallen tree in City Road to me earlier this week.

I reported this to the forestry team at the City Council to ensure it is removed.

New club at Blackness Library for ages 5 to 11 #dundeewestend


Getting things done – Seabraes #dundeewestend

Many thanks to all the residents who contacted me about the tree damage at Seabraes following the recent Storm Malik.

One tree has sadly been uprooted and another is leaning badly.

I took this up with the City Council’s Head of Environment and have been promised that the department has added Seabraes to the sites where action is required following – initially – Storm Arwen and subsequent high winds.