Temporary Traffic Order – Osborne Place

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITYCOUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of carriageway resurfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Osborne Place, Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Tuesday 3rd May 2022 for four  working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available Shepherds Loan and Magdalen Yard Road.

For further information contact 433168. 

Executive Director

City Development Department,

Dundee City Council

Getting things done – Taylor’s Lane #dundeewestend

Residents recently highlighted to me that one of the bollards towards the top of Taylor’s Lane was broken.

I reported this to the City Council and the Roads Maintenance Partnership who advised :

“An order has been raised for a repair to be done in the near future.”

… and it has indeed now been replaced.

Getting things done – Millhall Crescent #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, prior to the COVID health emergency, I had met with Millhall Crescent residents and an environment officer from the City Council about the overgrown embankment at the north side of the street.

At the time, environment management gave a commitment to improve the banking through weeding and planting.    However, that has not happened during the pandemic period.    I therefore recently went back to the City Council’s environment officer regarding this and have received the following helpful response :

“Yes remember it well and actually drove past the other night and thought about it. 

I will catch up with a colleague regarding the background and meet with him to have another look.

There will be though limited works we can do safely due the gradient but there may be a few options to improve the appearance. 

Fraser, I will keep you posted once we have met.”

Getting things done – Blackness Avenue #dundeewestend

I received concerns from residents recently that the real time information display in the bus shelter in Blackness Avenue near to Logie and St John’s (Cross) Church appeared not to be working.

I reported this to the City Council and the Senior Transport Officer has helpfully responded as follows :

“I have been out to site … and it appears that the display is on but has a backlighting failure.

We will ask an engineer to attend.”

Getting things done – Seabraes site #dundeewestend

I recently had a number of complaints about the extent of litter right along the pathways of the Seabraes site from Roseangle to Greenmarket.

This area is owned and managed by Scottish Enterprise. I contacted SE and the Regional Facilities Manager of its managing agents Nile Management responded positively as follows :

“I have arranged to get one of our contractors on site … to carry out a litter pick of the area and will also price up to have additional litter bins installed at various points throughout the site. These will be emptied by our new landscaping contractor going forward.”

There has already been a marked improvement but I will be keeping a close eye on this top ensure this improvement is maintained.