World View – Travelling the Globe through Art & Design

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

World View – Travelling the Globe through Art & Design
Lamb Gallery, Tower Building, University of Dundee
Running now until 22nd July 2022
Monday to Friday 9.30am-7pm

Over the past two years the pandemic has prevented most of us from travelling. At the same time, we are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of travel.

This exhibition presents an opportunity to see the world remotely through the creative eyes of previous travellers over the past 200 years – artists who used different cultural experiences as inspiration for their work, though often seen through a western, colonial viewpoint.

The exhibition also features a range of traditional and modern designs from other parts of the world – from Korean ceramics to Scandinavian textiles and beyond. All of the objects and artworks on display are drawn from the University’s own Museum Collections.

See more at

Temporary Traffic Order – Ninewells Avenue

From the City Council :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating cycle lane improvement works. The Order is expected to be in force for two weeks from 30 May 2022. Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.

The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Ninewells Avenue between Perth Road and Ninewells Drive.

An alternative route will be available via Perth Road, Glamis Road and Ninewells Avenue.

If you have any queries please contact the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS or call 433082.

Meeting with Xplore Dundee

Yesterday evening, we had the pleasure, along with our Liberal Democrat Group colleague Councillor Daniel Coleman, to meet with David Phillips, the new Director and General Manager and Marc Winsland, Commercial Manager, at Xplore Dundee to discuss bus services in the city.

We had a really productive and useful discussion and it is clear that the positive relationship we have had with Xplore Dundee over a long period will continue and grow in the years ahead.

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme – Glamis Drive this weekend! #dundeewestend


Harris Academy Parent Council meeting #dundeewestend

It was a pleasure last night for us both to attend the last Harris Academy Parent Council meeting of the current school term.

This was the first parent council meeting that Fraser had been able to attend in-person since 2020 as all meetings have been on-line only during the COVID pandemic and this was Michael’s first opportunity to attend a Harris Academy Parent Council meeting since his recent election to represent the West End on the City Council.

The meeting was a ‘hybrid’ one, allowing the choice of attending on-line or in person and this worked extremely well.

Very positive updates from Mr Millar and members of the senior leadership team including new school initiatives and the current SQA examinations diet has been running well.

We also discussed the possible future for the tennis courts at the Elliot Road playing fields that constituents have raised with us as these are badly in need of an upgrade or repurposing for perhaps an all-weather playing facility.