Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



A85 Riverside Drive – prohibition of right turn from westbound lane of Riverside Drive into Riverside approach and prohibition of right turn from Riverside Approach in to Riverside Drive for 7 weeks for works to the sea wall.  Prohibitions will only be in place when required.

Polepark Road (Fyffe Street to Milnbank Road) – closed from Monday 23 October for 5 working days for Scottish Water sewer repair works.

West End Surgeries #dundeewestend

With the school holidays over tomorrow, it is back to West End Ward surgeries this coming week.   My Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy surgeries take place tomorrow afternoon.

My full surgery details are below – although I can also be contacted via esurgery@frasermacpherson.org.uk or phone me at home on 459378 anytime :

Polepark Road – an update #dundeewestend

Further to the notice I mentioned last week about works on Polepark Road from Monday coming (23rd October), Scottish Water has now advised as follows :

Polepark Road Sewer Works :

Please note that this work is completely separate from the current ongoing water network works taking place in Blackness Road.  The work in Polepark Road is to carry out an essential sewer repair to a blocked section of sewer in Polepark Road just to the North of Bissells Bar.  

The nature and location of the work means that a localised road closure is required during the works.  The closure will be in place in Polepark Road from junction with Milnbank Road to the junction with Fyffe Street.  The closure has been agreed in conjunction with Dundee City Council roads team.

Local vehicle access will be maintained where possible and pedestrian access maintained at all times.  There will be no interruption to water or waste water services planned during these works.

Our contractors Keir construction will be carrying out the work on our behalf and have written to all affected householders.

Scottish Water works Blackness Road – bus stops #dundeewestend

A number of constituents have commented to me aboutnthe lack of temporary bus stops on Blackness Road during the Scottish Water temporary works.

I contacted the City Council’s transportation team about this and have been advused as follows :

“The extent of the works is temporary traffic lights contained within the area between Forest Park Road and Rosefield Street. 
As a result two bus stops are affected, namely Blackness Road opp Forest Park Road and Blackness Road opp Annfield Street.
The contractor has displayed signs informing passengers that both bus stops are out of use.
A temporary stop cannot be erected in place of either bus stop due to safety. Installing stops to the east would mean buses stopping outside the Fire Station, or close to a bend, which are also close to an excavation and in an area which has limited footway close to the carriageway. 
Furthermore temporary stops cannot be installed to the west, as this area is still confined within the works, and installing stops outside the works area would mean they were too close to existing bus stops.
Passengers should instead use existing bus stops, Blackness Road opp Peddie Street and near Abbotsford Street which are both approximately 250-300m west of the bus stops which are out of use.”

Scottish Water’s Corporate Affairs Officer advised me earlier this week that :

“The original timescale was 2 weeks from 9th October.  I would fully expect all works to be completed by end of play Sunday 22nd October.”

Getting things done – Hazel Drive #dundeewestend

Residents have contacted me about the extent of the leaves on the public path at the south end of Hazel Drive that leads to Perth Road – see right.

As a result, the path is slippy so I have asked the council’s Neighbourhood Services to have it swept as soon as possible.