Friends of Balgay – Litter Pick #dundeewestend

The Friends of Balgay are holding a litter pick today, Sunday 29th October.

Please come along and help remove any litter from Balgay Park – meet this afternoon at 2pm at the Balgay Bridge – all welcome!

Happenings at the Wighton!

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library – today – Saturday 28th October, 11am (doors open 10.30am)

Cappuccino Concert with Alan Brown, singer,  songwriter and raconteur.   Tickets £5 (tea/coffee available for small donation).

Alan Brown was born and raised less than half a mile from where the present day Wighton Library stands and Dundee has been a major influence on his career to date.    Exiled from the city since 1970 he is difficult to pigeonhole: singer, songwriter, musician, composer, novelist, journalist, after dinner speaker, playwright, poet, standup, tour guide, and is probably best summed as – an entertainer! 

Despite thirty years performing professionally in Scotland and overseas this will be his first ever solo appearance in his hometown. Expect a varied programme of award-winning songs and stories, brand new material and a few surprises.

Ninewells Community Garden Volunteer Day #dundeewestend

Ninewells Community Garden is holding a volunteer day tomorrow, Saturday 28th October.

Taking place between 10am and 3pm, anyone interested in volunteering for some gardening and social time with food to share is very welcome!

Quiz night at Harris Academy #dundeewestend

Harris Academy Former Pupils’ Association is holding a quiz night at the school – in the dining area – at 7pm this Friday, 27th October.

Teams will be assembled on the night so participants should feel free to turn up and pay on entry.

More details can be obtained from FP Association Treasurer Freida Soutar on 562788.

A warm welcome is extended to all Harris former pupils whether members of the FPs’ Association or not, spouses and partners, staff, former staff and all friends who are able to attend.

Blether Tay-Gither – Storytelling in Dundee

From Blether Tay-Gither :

International Storytelling Festival Partner Event – From South Asia to Dundee – with storyteller Wajuppa Tossa

Once again Blether Tay-gither  brings the International Storytelling Festival to Dundee, taking place later today – Tuesday 24th October – 7pm to 9pm.

At this special event, Thai myths and legends will flourish by the River Tay.    Originally from north east Thailand, storyteller Wajuppa Tossa will join Blether Tay-Gither storytellers for a night of stories from home and abroad – in the historical and atmospheric setting of the HM Frigate Unicorn.

Tickets: £5
Tickets: or 01334 474 836.
HM Frigate Unicorn, South Victoria Dock Road

Hope to see some of you there – all welcome!