Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Riverside Drive (at Barnetts) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 1 October for 3 weeks for gas main installation.  Riverside Approach closed southbound for final 2 weeks.

Blackness Road/Glamis Road – 4 way traffic lights for 3 days from Wednesday 3 October for carriageway resurfacing.

Greenfield Place (at Perth Road) – closed for one week for sewer repair.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Blackness Road (at Peddie Street) – temporary traffic lights on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 October for BT cabling works.

Old Hawkhill – temporary traffic lights from Monday 8 October for 3 weeks for water main connection.

West End Community Police Surgery #dundeewestend

The next West End community police surgery takes place this coming Thursday – details below and all residents welcome :

Temporary Traffic Order : Greenfield Place

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water sewer repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Greenfield Place (from its junction with Perth Road to approx. 20 metres south), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Monday 1 October 2018 for 5 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes are available via Perth Road / Roseangle

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Frankenstein – complete public reading and mystery tour!

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Frankenstein – complete public reading and mystery tour!
29th-30th September 2018

As part of the University of Dundee’s Frankenstein 200 events programme, we are delighted to present a complete public reading of the 1818 text taking place over a single weekend in various locations around Dundee, Angus and Fife. 

It was while living in Dundee as guests of the Baxter family (later to become founders of the University) that the young Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was first inspired to become a writer, so what better place to read her most celebrated masterpiece! 

We will start at Discovery Point at 9am on Saturday 29th September and visit various locations on foot and via a coach provided for the event.   Day 1 will conclude at the University’s Tower Building around 5.30pm. 

Day 2 will start at the Tower Building at 9.30am and will end at South Baffin Street at around 5.30pm.    We will read the book in sections of 30-60 minutes, moving to a different mystery location for each part. There will be breaks for lunch and refreshments but attendees should bring their own food and drink.   The event will include quite a bit of walking over rough terrain and we will mostly be outdoors, whatever the weather! 

Because of the nature of the event, participants must attend all of Day 1 and/or all of Day 2 and will be expected to read aloud one or more sections of the book (we will allocate sections at random to participants, but you will be informed before the event which section we would like you to read). Because of limited numbers, tickets will only be available to those not wishing to read after we have signed up enough readers.   Tickets will be sold separately for each day (£12 for each day).  

Your ticket allows us to cover the cost of the coach and participants will also be sent a free copy of the new Dundee edition of Frankenstein to be published in November. 

Places are limited so don’t miss the chance to take part in this unique immersive event.     Book now here.

Dundee Jobs Fair

Dundee’s biggest Jobs Fair will take place at the Caird Hall tomorrow – Thursday 27th September.

This event and exhibition is open to anyone who is interested in moving forward in 2018/9, whether that’s finding a job, changing career, starting a business or adding to the skills and qualifications they already have to find something new.

Further information is available here.