Getting things done – Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Following concerns recently from residents about flooding on the rail bridge south of the Botanic Garden/Vernonholme on Riverside Drive, I raised the matter with the City Council and have received the following feedback from the environment supervisor in Neighbourhood Services :

“I checked the bridge … the drains are currently running clear and the road leading down to the bridge is also clear of any build up of detritus apart from half a dozen pine cones. 

The bridge itself and the road leading down to Riverside does have a severe build up of detritus.   This is due to the bridge having a 3.2 tonne weight limit.   We are unable to cross over it with our sweeper which is a 5 tonne vehicle.”

However, the Roads Maintenance Partnership has promised to monitor during rain and for build-up of debris.

EU Settlement Scheme

Dundee City Council has produced a handout which includes information about the EU Settlement Scheme, useful web links and telephone numbers. 

For more information and to request copies, please click here.

Getting things done – Hazel Drive #dundeewestend

Residents recently drew to my attention the overgrowth encroaching on to the footpath of Hazel Drive at its south end – see photo below :

My thanks go to the council’s Neighbourhood Services who promptly responded to my request to attend to this.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Nethergate (West Marketgait to Park Place) – closed until Wednesday 10 July for City Fibre duct installation and pedestrian crossing refurbishment.

Lochee Road and Logie Street (City Road to Tullideph Road) – closed from Monday 8 July for 2 weeks for carriageway resurfacing.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Perth Road (West Wynd to Seafield Road) – closed on Sunday 28 July for manhole repairs.

Kirsty Semple Way – closed on Saturday 17 August for crane lifting operations.

Save the 204 bus!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Jeanetta Black for her letter in Thursday’s “Evening Telegraph” regarding the council’s axing of the 204 bus :

The campaign to save the 204 is far from being over and, like Jeanetta, I share the concern that the so-called Blether Bus “alternative” service the council is suggesting is simply not fit for purpose.    The “service” utilises council mini-buses that many older folk and people with mobility difficulties will not be able to access.

I have now queried the legal position with Dundee City Council’s Head of Democratic and Legal Services.    Local authorities had a responsibility in Part 5 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 that required all land-based transport vehicles to be accessible to disabled people including those who need to remain in wheelchairs.    These responsibilities transferred to the 2010 Equality Act and there is now also a public sector equality duty in Scotland.    

Meantime, the petition to save the 204 bus has gathered momentum with over 260 local residents signing it.    It can be signed at