Temporary Traffic Order – Abbotsford Street

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of footway works being carried out (on Blackness Road) HEREBY PROHIBIT the ENTRY TO AND EXIT FROM Abbotsford Street (at its junction with Blackness Road),  Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on  Monday 5th August 2019 for one week.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via  Blackness Road / Seymour Street and reverse.

For further information contact 433168.  

Head of Roads and Transportation,
City Development Department,
Dundee City Council

Getting things done – Scott Street and Pentland #dundeewestend

Over a prolonged period, I have received complaints about the lack of maintenance of the slopes at the west end of Scott Street and on Pentland Avenue – see below :
Scott Street – west end
Pentland Avenue
I have raised this on numerous occasions with the City Council and the latest update I have received is from the new area environment manager and I am grateful for his helpful response and trust we will now see improvements to the situation here and also to the general grass maintenance of the Pentland area into the future :

“First of all regarding the ground at the top of Scott Street. Due to the steepness of the slope we do not cut the grass as we do not have anything capable that would manage and be legal under Health & Safety regulations. Part of it gets cut with a tractor mounted flail which we hire in, but it can only go so far in from the street, the rest was left to naturalise, but one person’s naturalisation can be another person’s mess. 

This could be something that can be looked at over the winter period to see if we can improve the appearance of the area and I will run a few ideas past our projects team.

The bankings at Pentland Avenue have a similar problem but approached in a different way. We have one machine that can manage to cut the grass on these bankings but it works City Wide. When I made enquiries I discovered that it was in the workshop and will be unlikely to be back in service this week. Depending where they are on their cycle, once it is repaired they should get to Pentland Avenue in no more than a couple of weeks.

I have discovered since taking on the West End that the whole Pentland/Saggar Street area is “challenging” due to the terrain. Our service revisions carried out at this time do not seem to have done us any favours in respect of this area. There is not a great deal we can do now that we are well into the grass cutting season and it would be difficult to change things, but I have already asked our quality and development section look at the grass cutting regimes in this area as I do not want to see the same level of complaints next year as I have had this year.”

Getting things done – Perth Road #dundeewestend

Some months ago, at the request of residents, I requested that the council considers installing additional Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs on Perth Road to encourage all motorists to drive below the 30mph limit.

The request was in relation to the area east of Harris Academy (there has been one sign provided some time ago further west around Clovus Duveau Drive) and the new signs have now been provided – see below :

Although welcoming these, I have received comments that these signs (there’s one on each side of the road) could be better positioned – one in particular is partly obscured by foliage.

I have passed on thios ccomments to the City Council and have received a commitment to inpect the sites and review the exact siting of the new Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs.

Getting things done – Benvie Road #dundeewestend

Following concerns from residents about graffiti at the top of Benvie Road, I am very grateful to the City Council’s Rapid Response Team for its prompt response to my request to remove it – as you can see the fencing in question is now in a far more acceptable state :

I have also raised with a landowner the need to tidy up the very overgrown ground opposite this fencing :

Getting things done – phone box – Magdalen Green – an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, back in May of this year, BT promised me that it would repaint the phone box on Magdalen Green that was badly in need of a lick of paint.

I am pleased to say that BT was as good as its word and the phone box was repainted last week :