Riverside Nature Park event – Sunday #dundeewestend

Earlier this week, I highlighted a Riverside Nature Park event this Saturday.    
There is also an event on Sunday and all residents are welcome at both :

New service available in Dundee: Family Sustainment Service

The Family Sustainment Service aims to support families in private rented accommodation who are having financial difficulties and have or are at risk of accruing rent arrears. 

The service advises :
“Living with poverty can make family life very hard. Parenting can be stressful and, without financial resources, it can feel like an uphill struggle for our families. When poverty is combined with poor mental health, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol problems, trauma from your own childhood and/or learning disabilities then the ability to hold a family together can feel almost impossible.
Working in partnership with the DWP, Dundee City Council, Shelter and Safe Deposit Scotland, the purpose of this service is to support these families, ensure landlords receive all monies due to them and to ultimately prevent homelessness and the trauma that goes with this.”
Further details below :

Pentland steps replacement – update from Dundee City Council

I have been advised of the following by the City Council :

“…we recently carried out work to replace steps at Pentland Avenue/Pentland Crescent. 

Work carried out on some of the steps has not been completed to the high standards that were expected and so the contractor, TN Gilmartin, are going back from Monday to carry out remedial works.

We are expecting works to last approximately 3 weeks. 

Local residents are being notified of the additional work.”

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



West Marketgait (at Ward Road) – southbound offside lane closure on Saturday 10 August (9.30am – 3.30am) for Scottish Water work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Kirsty Semple Way – closed on Saturday 17 August for crane lifting operations.

Abbotsford Street (junction with Blackness Road) – closed for one week from Monday 5 August for footway works on Blackness Road.

Voting – annual census canvass form

The City Council has reminded residents not to lose their democratic voice by making sure they complete and return the annual canvass form to their local Electoral Registration Office.

Forms, which ensure that anyone not on the Electoral Register can register to allow them to take part in future elections, were issued just over a week ago.

A spokesperson for the electoral registration office said :

“It is important that residents respond as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in Dundee.

“Check the form when it arrives and respond as soon as you can, and that way you will be certain you’ll be able to have your say at elections.

“If you’re not registered at the moment, your name will not appear on the form. If you want to register, the easiest way is at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote, or we’ll send you information in the post explaining how to do it.    In any case, you will still need to complete the form and send it back to us.”

People who have changed address recently are particularly encouraged to keep an eye out for the form and check the details when it arrives.

Any residents who have any questions can contact the electoral registration team at on 434444.