Friends of Wighton update …

From Sheena Wellington :

“Christina” – Elisabeth Flett
Saturday 26th October – 11am-noon (doors open 10.30am) 
Fresh from the sell-out Edinburgh Fringe run of her acclaimed production “Roots”,   Elisabeth Flett returns to the Wighton with the world premiere of  “Christina”.   The show is inspired by the 19th century manuscript book of Christina Gib of Maulesden House, Brechin.   Elisabeth has researched the elusive Christina’s story to create a fascinating musical and historical journey.

Elisabeth, of course no stranger to the Wighton, is currently based in London. She studied Classical Recorder (BMus Hons) at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, graduating with a First in 2017.    She sings and plays fiddle, viola, whistle, recorder and guitar.

Christina’s manuscript book, a work of art in itself, is in the Wighton’s Jimmy Shand Collection and the work was commissioned by Friends of Wighton.

£5 admission, tea/coffee for small donation.

Art for All – Public Art Study Day

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

We’re delighted to announce the programme for our special full day event to end the Art for All exhibition, featuring an amazing line-up of artists and researchers:
Art for All – A Study Day exploring Public Art in Dundee and Scotland
Saturday 26th October, 10am-5pm
D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, University of Dundee
10.00-11.30am Session One
Matthew Jarron (University of Dundee) on the lost public art of Dundee
Andrew Demetrius (University of St Andrews) on David Harding’s work as Town Artist for Glenrothes
Professor Vee Pollock (Newcastle University) on the role of public art in regenerating the Gorbals
11.30-11.50 Break for refreshments
11.50am-1.05pm Session Two
Liz Kemp (artist and curator) on setting up the Blackness Environmental Arts Team and the Blackness Public Art Programme
J Keith Donnelly (artist) on his artworks in Dundee, his role as Town Artist for East Kilbride and his work with South Lanarkshire Council as Public / Visual Arts Officer
David Annand (artist) on his artworks in Dundee and beyond
1.05pm-1.55 Lunch
1.55-3.30pm Session Three
John Gray (Dundee City Council public art officer) on four decades of art for the city
David F Wilson (artist) on his artworks in Dundee and beyond
Theresa Lynn (University of Dundee / artist and community educator) on community art projects in Dundee
Matthew Dalziel & Louise Scullion (University of Dundee / artists) on Catalyst and other artworks
3.30-3.50pm Break for refreshments
3.50-5pm Session Four
Suzanne Scott (artist) on her own artworks and helping to organise the Oor Wullie and Penguin sculpture trails
Adam Milroy (artist) on his own artwork and organising the annual Dundee Graffiti Jam
Russell Pepper (Open/Close Dundee) on commissioning street art around Dundee
Liv Laumenech (University of Edinburgh) on new public art projects for the University
Tickets for this unique event cost £20 (£15 for students) and can be booked here.

Ninewells Community Garden event #dundeewestend

Let’s Eat: Pumpkin
Thursday 24th October – 12 noon-2pm

A community lunch for all.
The theme for this month is pumpkin. Volunteer Jolanta Witkowska will show us how to prepare one of her favourite pumpkin recipes – please do bring along a recipe, or some food to share – with our without pumpkin!  

A chance to learn some new ideas for the kitchen and catch up with garden friends old and new.

The sixth in a series of monthly healthy lunches and recipe swaps.    All welcome – come and join us for a tasty lunch!  

More details are available here.

Blether Tay-Gither – Storytelling in Dundee

Details of the Blether Tay-Gither international storytelling festival event :

22nd October at 7pm – Frigate Unicorn
International Guest is Joseph Naytowhow – Stories from the Grassland

Tickets £6 (payable on the door) – email to book your place.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



SSEN Pitfour Area Cable Renewal – Phase 2:  City Road (Pentland Avenue to Scott Street) closed southbound for up to 4 weeks.

Westfield Lane – closed from Tuesday 22 October for 5 weeks for building repair works.