Getting things done – Roseangle #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted to me significant flooding again recently at the south end of Roseangle.

I raised this with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have been given an assurance that a gully motor will attend the site and deal with any gullies that are blocked.

Getting things done – Rosefield Place and Bankmill Road #dundeewestend

Following concerns from residents last week about the muddy state of the path that runs from Rosefield Place to Bankmill Road, I took this up with the environment manager for the West End.

I am grateful for his swift action in arranging getting this cleaned up.

School catchment area consultation – an update #dundeewestend

Last week, I advised that Dundee City Council has launched a consultation on a number of schools proposals.

Part of the proposals see substantial proposed changes to the catchment areas of the primary schools that are feeder schools to Harris Academy.

In the West End, there are significant proposed changes to the Blackness Primary, Victoria Park Primary and Ancrum Road Primary catchment areas.

I can now advise that consultation meetings about the West End proposals will take place on Wednesday 26th February and, again, on Monday 16th March, with a drop-in from 6pm to view the proposals and a presentation and Q&A session at 7pm – all welcome

You can view the full proposals here.

Getting things done – Magdalen Green #dundeewestend

Recently, the Friends of Magdalen Green highlighted to me the extent of overgrown foliage from the Network Rail land adjacent to the rail line protruding onto the Green – see right.

I took this up with Network Rail and am grateful for its prompt and comprehensive response in thinning out the vegetation.

No ward surgeries tonight

As today is a school holiday (mid-term), my usual ward surgeries do not take place but I can be contacted at any time at home on 459378 or by e-mail at

My surgeries resume on Thursday – Blackness Primary School at 6.15pm (in the staff room, ground floor).