Update from our friends at Feeling Strong

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic we are radically pivoting the work we do, providing community relief through ‘Food & Care Packages’, as well as moving our peer support service to a ‘Video/Text Chat’ model. We’ve also put together a one stop-shop site for COVID guidance, information, activities and local updates. We think we could make a really big difference in the community, so please share the below to support some of the most vulnerable people in Dundee.
Feeling Strong are delivering ‘Food & Care Packages’ to those who are self-isolating as a result of COVID-19. These packages will provide vital products such as food, drinks and sanitary products that people who are self-isolating may not be able to get themselves, and the allocation of the packages will be conducted on a needs assessed basis. As an exception to Feeling Strong’s normal services, the food packages are available to all ages. At a time like this we need to come together as a community and help those in need!
If you are in need of any of these items please fill out this form: http://foodpackage.feelingstrong.co.uk/
Feeling Strong’s Text Chat or Video Chat Service is a chance for young people (8-26) who live, work or study in Dundee to:
• Receive Peer Support from members of our team
• Talk about the difficulties of isolation, and ask for a food/care package to be delivered to you
• Talk about your mental health, recovery and self-care
• Learn about our services and what other mental health activities are going on in Dundee
• Meet other people who have lived experience of mental health and wellbeing challenges
We’re open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1500-1800. Once you book an appointment we will send you a link to you with the details of how to join the video chat, which you can do here: book.feelingstrong.co.uk
Please Note: Young people aged 12 or under need to be accompanied by an adult. Feeling Strong is not an advice service, counselling, listening or therapy – we offer peer support.

We’ve just launched a new website providing COVID-19 support! Check it out to access 👇
💜 Our latest services

💜 Latest NHS & local news

💜 Links & advice to help maintain mental health

💜 Suggestions of isolation activities


Online Museum Resources

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Our museums and galleries may now be closed due to the current emergency but we’re still working hard to ensure online access to our amazing collections and activities. 

Hopefully many of you have been following our social media posts on Facebook at UoDMuseums and on Twitter @UoD_Museums. We’ve now set up a webpage to bring together our various digital resources here.
Here’s a taster of what’s currently on offer:

Short films by the curator exploring some of the highlights of our collections
Our popular colouring sheets from the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum now available as pdfs for your to print and use at home
Hi-res images for you to use as virtual backgrounds for your online meetings
A curated selection of some of the best DJCAD animation films
And as we’re currently unable to process orders from our online shop, we’ve made a selection of our publications available online absolutely free  
The site also provides links to existing digital content such as our online museum database, our 3D scans of zoology specimens and a virtual tour of the Zoology Museum. And we’ll be adding more content in the coming weeks so keep checking back!

Virtual Spring Flower Show!

Following the cancellation of the Dundee Daffodil Group’s Spring Flower Show and to maintain contact amongst members and provide a little competition and fun, the group has decided to try and run a virtual flower show.  

The show is open to all, free of charge and there will be no prize money or trophies awarded. 

The competition will have limited classes and will be judged by Hazel Elder with first, second and third places being awarded.

Rules and Guidance

1. The competition is free of charge and open to all.
2. The exhibitor must have grown all entries.
3. Exhibitors can only enter one exhibit per class.
4. All cultivars to be named where possible.
5. The exhibits must be staged and photographed on Friday 10th April.
6. Exhibits can be staged in any vases /jam jars etc that the exhibitor has available, vases are not provided.
7. Staging time/time for the submission of photographs is between 9am and 10pm on Friday 10th April 2020.
8. All photographs to be emailed to dundeedaffodilgroup@outlook.com  by 10pm on Friday 10th of April. Photographs should be close ups and as clear as possible to assist judging.
9. The email should contain the attached photographs indicating the class entered, along with the entrant’s name and town of residence. Exhibitor numbers will be allocated to the photographs prior to judging.
10. The competition will be judged on Saturday and the entry photographs and results posted on Facebook as soon as possible after judging has been completed.
11. Dundee Daffodil Group-Spring Show, Facebook page has been created, all photographs will be displayed on this open page, highlighting the first, second and third places. Names (initial and surname) and town of residence only will be displayed for the placed entries. 

See more at the Dundee Daffodil Group – Spring Show Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/dundeedaffodil.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Nablus Avenue (at the rising bollard) – closed overnight (7.00pm – 6.00am) on Wednesday 8 April for Scottish Water manhole repair works.

Another update during the COVID-19 emergency

Further update – for Sunday 5th April 2020 from Councillor Fraser Macpherson (West End) and Councillor Craig Duncan (Broughty Ferry)

Sadly, the last few days have seen yet more cases of Coronavirus in Scotland and more deaths across the country.    That makes it all the more important that we all continue to :

• stay at home

• only go outside for essential food, health and work reasons

• stay 2 metres (6 feet) away from other people

• wash our hands regularly                                                              

• wash our hands as soon as we get home

Doing this will help slow the spread of Coronavirus, protect the NHS and save lives.


A list of free, online, boredom-busting resources at the ChatterPack blog has published a fantastic list of free online resources to help tackle boredom. Amongst many other things, this includes virtual tours, games, arts and culture, literature, online learning and music. Find out more at https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/list-of-online-resources-for-anyone-who-is-isolated-at-home

Pay using contactless if you can

The World Health Organisation advice is to pay in shops using a contactless card whenever possible to reduce the amount of cash people handle. Helpfully, on 1st April, the limit for contactless payments in the UK increased from £30 to £45. It will though take some time for this to roll out to all retailers. If you do handle banknotes, WHO advice is to wash your hands immediately afterwards.

Watch out for fake news

Fake news or misinformation about Coronavirus is flooding the internet. For the latest accurate information check NHS Inform at https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19

You can also check whether “news” shared online is true by checking whether major news providers such as the BBC, STV, ITV or Sky are reporting it.     There’s an explanatory video from the BBC at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-52118949/coronavirus-how-can-you-stop-the-spread-of-misinformation.

Revised bus and rail timetables

The lockdown has meant big changes to bus and rail timetable. The links below take you to the latest information from the bus and rail companies:

• Xplore Dundee :  https://nxbus.co.uk/dundee/information/service-alerts/covid19-service-updates

• Stagecoach : https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-updates/serviceupdatesarticle?SituationId=ID-30/03/2020-13:03:57:907

• ScotRail : https://www.scotrail.co.uk/coronavirus-travel-information

Personal finance support 

The Financial Conduct Authority has proposed a range of targeted temporary measures designed as a stopgap to quickly support users of certain consumer credit products who are facing a financial impact because of the coronavirus.  After a short consultation it is intended the measures would start by 9th April 2020.  The measures are: 

•            A temporary payment freeze on loans and credit cards where consumers face difficulties with their finances as a result of coronavirus, for up to three months.

•            Ensure that for customers who have been hit financially by the coronavirus and already have an arranged overdraft on their main personal current account, up to £500 will be charged at zero interest for up to three months.

•            Overdraft customers will be no worse off on price when compared to the prices they were charged before the recent overdraft changes came into force.

•            Ensure consumers using any of these temporary measures should not have their credit rating affected because of this.


Business Gateway – Dundee 

Business Gateway has produced a list of support that is available to businesses can be downloaded as a PDF from the link at https://www.bgateway.com/resources/finance-and-grant-announcements.     It includes information on all business funding and grants made available during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It is being updated daily so please check back for further updates. 

Business Gateway Dundee contact details can be found at https://www.bgateway.com/local-offices/dundee/local-support 

Support and advice

This is an anxious and uncertain time but we want you to know that we are here to try to help constituents in whatever way that we can.


WEST END WARD – Bailie Fraser Macpherson

Phone – Dundee 459378 (home)

E-mail – fraser.macpherson@dundeecity.gov.uk

Facebook updates : www.facebook.com/dundeewestend