Everyday Packs

Thanks to funding received from the Big Lottery Supporting Communities Fund Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action has been able to support a really good project for Dundee’s older people.  

Working in partnership with Dundee Community Transport, HOPE – Helping Older People Engage, Grey Lodge Settlement and volunteers from GetLocalSupport.org  it has put together ‘Everyday Packs’ for distribution to the older people’s community in Dundee.  

The Everyday Packs will contain a small bottle of hand sanitiser and either a reusable washable face mask or 5 disposable masks.  

These packs are for those who are:

aged 55+
socially isolated – so who don’t have any support networks in place that can get these items for them
digitally excluded – so are unable to purchase them online themselves
whose general wellbeing will be improved as a result of receiving this

We know that older people who have being shielding and who haven’t been out the house for the past 15 weeks are concerned about going into a shop to purchase a mask and hope that this will be able to alleviate some of their concerns.  These packs are designed as a helping hand to enable older people to get out safely in the first place. 

Given the Scottish Government’s instruction that everyone is to wear a face covering in all shops from 10th July, referrals have been accepted from Monday 13th July and packs will be delivered approximately 1 week after applying.

If interested, please contact Shirley by email on skyles@number10.org or call Georgie-Ann on Dundee 305721 (Mon to Fri 10am – 1pm only).  

Dial OP can also receive referrals by contacting Dundee 305757. 

20mph zone in the West End #dundeewestend

I am grateful to all residents who have given feedback to me regarding the new 20mph zone in the Perth Road Lanes and district shopping centre.

Provided as a result of funding through Sustrans’ “Spaces for People” programme, it is one of four new temporary 20mph zones in the city – the others being in Fintry, Broughty Ferry and Douglas.

As residents know, I have long campaigned for 20mph zones in residential areas to provide a safer environment, paricularly for children out playing and the elderly and I am very pleased with the positive feedback to the new zone already – including comments that it could be extended to other residential areas of the West End.

I hope that, if deemed successful, it will be made permanent and will be the catalyst for an expansion of 20mph zones in residential areas across Dundee.

Getting things done – Peddie Street #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership for its prompt attention to the resident’s concern I raised recently about trip hazards in Peddie Street caused by missing utility company covers – now resolved :

Getting things done – River Crescent and Hillside Terrace #dundeewestend

There has recently been significant levels of flooding on the roadway at the south end of River Crescent that residents brought to my attention.

I took this up with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership Manager who helpfully updated me as follows :

“I can confirm we’ll arrange for gully cleaning of this street. 

“We are aware of wider problems in this area and the flooding team are working on a surface water management plan in conjunction with Scottish Water. 

Our next challenge will be securing funding to implement the improvements identified from the study.”

Separately, there were also road flooding concerns recently at the west end of Hillside Terrace and I am grateful to the Roads Maintenance Partnership for its prompt attention to this.

Totally Tropical – Live!

Tomorrow – Thursday 16th July – from the University of Dundee Botanic Garden :

A journey through the steamy foliage of the tropical glasshouse, looking for some of our most beautiful, most ugly and smelliest plants! 

Help us measure the Victoria leaves and learn how to wear a Hibiscus flower.   

This is a live on line event.

You can find out more here.