Biodiversity across the West End #dundeewestend

I am very grateful to the West End resident who has kindly sent me these lovely images of biodiversity in the West End :

Riverside Drive 1961! #dundeewestend

A great colour photograph of a Keiller delivery van in Riverside Drive in 1961 

Temporary Traffic Order – Park Place

From the City Council – I am assured that Dundee Dental Hospital is aware of this : 


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of crane lifting works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Park Place (between Old Hawkhill and Smalls Lane), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Saturday 1 August 2020 for 3 days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Two way traffic will be permitted in Smalls Lane for the duration of the works.

Alternative routes are available via Old Hawkhill/Smalls Lane.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Lighting at the Kelso Steps #dundeewestend

I recently wrote to the City Council’s Street Lighting Partnership Manager as follows :

“A resident has said he finds the lighting as he walks up the above steps is not adequate.      
The resident appreciates that even if it is agreed it needs improved, work like this will not be possible until we return to more normal times but I did promise to raise his query and would appreciate your feedback.”

I have had helpful feedback as follows :

“We’ve had a look at this and we agree that there needs to be a revision of the lighting provision at the steps here. 

I will add it to our (very) long list of works  … I give you my assurance that it will remain on the list until such times as it can be done and will not be forgotten about.”

Food recycling update

A number of constituents have asked the position regarding the possible restoration of the food recycling service.

The council’s Head of Environment has updated me as follows :

“At the present time we are unable to recommence with the re-introduction of food waste collections, due to having to utilise available staff resources in order to ensure that the other collections are maintained. Unfortunately, the requirement to ensure safe physical distancing into waste collection operations slows down the collection operation significantly and requires more vehicles, staff and time to complete daily routes.

In order to reintroduce food waste collections, there is a similar requirement to allocate specific resources and to introduce engineering controls within cabs of the Refuse Collection Vehicles. Similar to many other local authorities, we are not yet in a position to return to regular collections of all waste streams at this time.  

However, please be assured that my waste team are working hard to look at ways that we can re-introduce food waste collections over the coming months and I will provide you with more detail when I am able to update you further.”