Getting things done – Roseangle car park and playpark #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who recently highlighted to me the fallen fence between the car park and playpark at Roseangle.

I contacted both City Development at the council (responsible for the car park) and Neighbourhood Services (responsible for the playpark) and the Head of Environment responded helpfully as follows :

“I can confirm that the local environment manager has picked this issue up and is arranging for an urgent repair.”

Getting things done – Perth Road to Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

There’s a path from Perth Road just west of the Ninewells Garage down to Riverside Avenue.

It looks OK at the top end but as residents walk down it, it is very overgrown and a resident said at one point it is actually difficult to negotiate your way down it.

This path was orginally in private ownership but was upgraded by the council around the time Riverside Nature Park was opened to provide access from Perth Road, so I am hoping there is a maintenance agreement in place so I have asked our local environment manager if the foliage can be cut back.

Lochee Park update #dundeewestend

I recently received a request from a constituent in relation to Lochee Park :

“I noticed a bunch of new benches and bins in Victoria Park, looks great and I am sure will be appreciated. I wonder if there are plans for some more seating in Lochee Park?”

So … I am delighted to welcome the new picnic table and seating at Lochee Park although I have asked our local environment manager if it may be possible to have more provided.

He has responded as follows :

“The picnic table was provided as part of improvements that are being made to Lochee Park. There was only one picnic bench included in the design but if it proves popular and there is a need for more we can consider this later in the year.”

Update on bus service 4 #dundeewestend

Bus service 4 has not operated since the start of the COVID-19 health emergency.

As the only bus service covering Windsor Street, Magdalen Yard Road and Roseangle (as well as also passing Pentland and Logie), I asked Xplore Dundee if there is any chance of its resumption in the near future.

The company’s Operations Manager has responded as follows :

“Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to operate service 4.   We have had to concentrate all of our resources on mainstream services to allow for physical distancing measures.    I cannot give you any indication of when this will change.”

I will, however, update residents further when there is any change to this.

Getting things done – Seabraes #dundeewestend

I received concerns last week about glass strewn around the steps at Seabraes and ivy over the steps – also utility covers that required putting back in place.

I raised the glass issue with the council’s Neighbourhood Services to get it cleared up and am also grateful to the Roads Maintenance Partnership which promptly visited the site in relation to the utility covers :