Another update during the COVID-19 health emergency

Further update – for Sunday 13th September from Councillor Fraser Macpherson (West End) and Councillor Craig Duncan (Broughty Ferry)


Protect Scotland is a free, mobile phone app designed to help us protect each other, reduce the spread of the virus and avoid further lockdowns.

The app will alert you if you have been in close contact with another app user who tests positive. And if you test positive, it can help in determining contacts that you may have otherwise missed while keeping your information private and anonymous.  You can download it here:


We remain in phase 3 of lockdown restrictions as infection rates are too high and accelerating again. This will be the case for some time. The following changes apply from tomorrow, but you are encouraged to follow them now.

The maximum social gathering has reduced to 6 people from 2 households, indoors, outdoors and in hospitality venues. (children under 12 won’t count to the limit of 6).  This also applies to pubs and restaurants.

Exception to limit: Receptions for Weddings, funerals and civil partnership will be allowed for 20 people from different households in hospitality venues.  Workplace, sport, exercise and activity guidance remains as before.

Hospitality- It will become mandatory to wear face coverings when you are moving around in a hospitality venue and not sitting at table. Staff in Hospitality venues will now have to wear masks.

There was no additional reopening of services or offices for the time being.  5th October is the new indicative date for the resumption of: Spectator sports, Theatres, indoor soft play and outdoor events

Call centres and non-essential offices will not be allowed to reopen until at least 1st October- when it will be reviewed again. Working from home remains the default for everyone who can.


If you have a mobile and NHS Scotland has your number you will receive a text message should the advice in your area change. You will be receiving a letter from the Chief Medical Officer to update you on current plans for those in this category, but there is no plan to reintroduce shielding at this time.


Local health centres continue to be open but have changed the way they work.  It is the preference to carry out a consultation online or on the phone as the hygiene and safety measures required for a physical consultation are considerable. 

For more detail, this is the Scottish Government guidance—principles/


Travellers from Hungary and La Réunion will be required to self-isolate at home or another specified address for 14 days on arrival in Scotland from 4am yesterday (12th September).


UK Government news:

Scottish Government Updates:

Dundee City Council updates:

NHS Inform –

NHS Tayside website:

Helpline for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice Tel: 0800 028 2816.

Health Protection Scotland Guidance –

Federation of Small Businesses:

Helpline for small businesses, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Tel: 0300 303 0660.

Ready Scotland Information –

Tayside Cares –


This has been an anxious and uncertain time but we want you to know that we are here to try to help constituents in whatever way that we can.


WEST END WARD – Bailie Fraser Macpherson

Phone – Dundee 459378 (home)

E-mail –

Facebook updates :

Amazing skies!

Grateful thanks to Jim Glover who recently sent me these photos of amazing skies at the waterfront!

As Jim says, “That’s why we’re Scotland’s sunniest city even when it’s raining.”

Getting things done – Ancrum Road #dundeewestend

A resident recently contacted me as follows :

‘I was wondering if it’s possible to get the drains cleared the around Ancrum Road school.   There was a river running past the crossing lights and lots of standing water at school pick up … Is it also possible to ask for the area to be gritted in winter?’

I contacted the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership about this and have received this helpful feedback :

“An order has been raised for the gully machine to attend the gullies opposite Ancrum Road School. Ancrum Road footways are included in a priority gritting route therefore if winter maintenance operations are in process these footways will be treated.”

Getting things done – Miller’s Wynd Car Park #dundeewestend

I am grateful to everyone who, last week contacted me about flooding in the Miller’s Wynd Car Park.

I took this up immediately with the City Council’s parking team and have been given the following helpful response :

“One of my colleagues inspected Miller’s Wynd car park again last Monday and Thursday morning and he confirmed that the car park is drying out.

We suspect that it was the heavy rain running down the slope that caused this problem but we will continue to monitor the situation.”

Getting things done – Rosefield Street #dundeewestend

Residents recently drew to my attention two blocked road drains in Rosefield Street.

I took up this matter with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now received the following positive response :

“An order has been raised for the gullies to be cleared.”