Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend


Forthcoming Roadworks

Blackness Road (at junction with Blackness Road for a distance of 25m or thereby in an easterly direction) – closed from Monday 19 October for 3 days for BT work.

Blackness Road (at Bellfield Street) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 19 October for 3 days for BT work.

Autumn at Riverside #dundeewestend

I am very grateful to the local resident who sent me these lovely photographs of autumn at Riverside!

Blether Tay-Gither – Storytelling in Dundee

Blether Tay-Gither is the Dundee Storytelling Group.

From Sheila Kinninmonth, Blether Tay-Gither’s secretary :

“Hope you can join us for our September Zoom  Blether  on Tuesday 29th September at 7pm 

The Theme is “Bimbles” 

What on earth is Bimbles you may ask, or maybe not!    Bimble:  informal British. Verb: Walk or travel at a leisurely pace. Noun: A leisurely walk or journey.”

For the log-in details to participate, contact Blether Tay-Gither at sheila@blethertaygither.org.uk 

Getting things done – Perth Road #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who have brought to my attention a water leak on Perth Road, opposite River Crescent.

This is continually leaking all over the pavement and down the road. 

Residents advise it is exceedingly slippy to walk there.

I have reported the matter to Scottish Water who has confirmed it will investigate the issue and get it resolved.

Getting things done – Seafield Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who have highlighted to me the poor condition of the pavement on the west side of Seafield Road, in front of the Cherry Blossom Nursery.

I have raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership, requesting repairs and am grateful for the very prompt response as the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos indicate :