Riverside household waste recycling centre #dundeewestend

From the City Council :

“Please be aware that Riverside household waste recycling centre will be shut on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th March for re-surfacing works to take place.”

Other recycling facilities elsewhere are unaffected and a full list is available here.

Getting things done – Seabraes #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who recently highlighted to me that the pillars at Seabraes where the lemmings statues are have unfortunately been vandalised with graffiti.

I raised this with the City Council’s environment team requesting that the graffiti is removed and pleased to say this was done towards the end of last week.

Getting things done – Seabraes #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who recently highlighted to me that the pillars at Seabraes where the lemmings statues are have unfortunately been vandalised with graffiti.

I raised this with the City Council’s environment team requesting that the graffiti is removed and pleased to say this was done towards the end of last week.

Dundee Women’s Festival 2021

Today sees the start of a very different Dundee Women’s Festival this year.

Due to the COVID-19 health emergency, it has gone virtual, but thanks to the ingenuity and co-operation of all involved it is able to offer an amazing programme of events.

Please see full details and the programme here.

Getting things done – Miller’s Wynd #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the resident who recently advised me as follows :

“We have at least 2 drains blocked with leaves and debris in Millers Wynd. 

This is resulting in large pools of water at the bottom of the lane.”

I raised this with the City Council and have now been updated as follows :

“(The local inspector) … has raised an order for these gullies to be cleared.”