Getting things done – Victoria Park – an update #dundeewestend


Residents may recall that recently I advised that a local resident recently reported as follows to me :

“We went to visit play park in Victoria Park this afternoon. Wanted to use baby swing.

I obviously had a young child with me and my adult daughter who is a power chair user.

We were unable to access the play park as no designated access path.

Grass very wet, not pram or wheelchair friendly.”

I had taken this issue up with the City Council’s environment management and a senior service manager agreed to take this matter up.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



BT Cable Renewal Programme – rolling off peak temporary traffic lights at various location from Monday 26 April for 2 weeks – streets affected in order are:  Strathmore Avenue (at Hospital Street); Loons Road (at Gardner Street); Logie Street (at Ancrum Road); Glamis Road (at Ancrum Road); City Road (at Pentland Avenue); Charleston Drive (at Yarrow Terrace); Glamis Road (at Elmwood Road); Blackness Road (at Seymour Street) and Perth Road (at Pennycook Lane).

Ninewells Avenue (Perth Road to Ninewells Drive) – closed northbound from Monday 10 May for 5 days for new cycle lane and surfacing work.

Forthcoming Road Works

Glamis Drive (Glamis Road to Hazel Drive) – closed on Wednesday 26 May for Scottish Water work.

Temporary Traffic Order – Ninewells Avenue

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of new cycle lane and surfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Ninewells Avenue (northbound between Perth Road and Ninewells Drive), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Monday 10 May 2021 for 5 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes are available via Perth Road / Glamis Road / Ninewells Avenue.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Green Health Week 2021

The Dundee Green Health Week 2021 managed by Green Health Partnership Dundee runs from today until 16th May and details can be found here

There will be over 50 activities all designed to improve people’s mental, physical and social wellbeing.

Green Health Week coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week.

Activities will be online but also in person.    All activities are free, booking is essential.

Today sees the launch a series of self-led activities to download as well as a variety of videos about the health benefits of being outdoors created by NHS staff, how to form new health habits by University of Dundee and Iowa State University staff; Biodiversity, Climate Change and Sustainability (by Dundee City Council staff), Joe – a boy from Lochee who gardens at Fruitbowls, and more!

There’s something here for everyone 🙂

Getting things done – Brown Street #dundeewestend

Residents will be aware that the creation of the new bus lane at the West Port roundabout from West Marketgait into Hawkhill has resulted in a new road layout at the Brown Street junction (and no right turn into Brown Street from the West Marketgait direction).

As has been pointed out to me :

“This has removed the give way markings from the turning that comes off the Hawkhill when you on to Brown Street.   It has resulted in cars taking that corner which is partially blind due to the hedges at speed.

In the period since layout has been in place, I have seen a handful of cars having to swerve or stop/slow suddenly due to pedestrians crossing as they come out of the flats opposite Duke’s Corner or cross the other way.”

This is a very valid point and I raised it with the City Council.     

The Transportation Officer (Road Safety) in the Traffic & Road Safety Team has now helpfully updated me as follows :

I have ordered a slow marking to be installed on the slip road, and a new road layout ahead temporary sign. 

These shall be installed as soon as Tayside Contracts can get them programmed.

I will also continue to monitor the location.”