Getting things done – Corso Street #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who recently contacted me about this leaking/mess on the pavement in Corso Street.

I reported this to environment management at the City Council to ensure it is attended to.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Blackness Road (at West Park Road) – temporary traffic lights from Thursday 24 June for 10 days for Scottish Water work.

West Marketgait (Greenmarket to Nethergate) – closed northbound on Sunday 4 July for Scottish Water work.


Perth Road (at Riverside Drive) – off‑peak temporary traffic control for one week for lining work.

Brook Street, Dundee– temporary traffic lights for one week for City Fibre H3G project.

City Fibre H3G Project – rolling road closures commencing on Tuesday 15 June for 7 weeks. Lochee Road (Cleghorn Street to Tullideph Road) closed from Tuesday 5 July for 4 days: Closures of Lochee Road (Dudhope Terrace to Black Street), Polepark Road, Cleghorn Street, Brewery Lane, Session Street, Brown Street, Argyllgait and South Ward Road to follow in July.

Blackness Road (at West Park Road) – temporary traffic lights until midweek for Scottish Water work.

Surface Dressing – mobile roadworks for 10 Days from Monday 28 June – Newhall Gardens.

Riverside Drive (at Discovery Point) – off‑peak westbound lane closure from Monday 5 July for one week for Scottish Water work.

Blackness Road (at Glenagnes Road) – temporary traffic lights from Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 July for BT work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Nethergate – closure of the junction with South Tay Street on Monday 26 July for one week for carriageway resurfacing.

Getting things done – Hillcrest Road – an update #dundeewestend

Back in April, on behalf of residents, I reported the deterioration of the road surface in Hillcrest Road to the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and received the following response :

“An inspection has been carried out at Hillcrest Road and there are currently no actionable defects. However an order has been raised to repair non actionable defects when resources are available.

Non actionable defects are minor defects and have no specified timescale for repair. Actionable defects are defects that require intervention i.e. repair within an appropriate timescale dependant on the location and scale of the fault.”

These defects had yet to be programmed in and, as you can see from the photo, the road does need repair so I asked if this could be now done ASAP.

I have now received this helpful update :

“Bailie Macpherson

(The local inspector has now) raised an order for repairs to be carried out.”

Getting things done – Bellefield Avenue #dundeewestend

A number of residents have asked if the City Council arrange to clean the road edges/gullies in Bellefield Avenue.   This follows on from some other local streets in the Perth Road Lanes having the gully cleaner visit recently.

I took this up with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following positive response :

“Bailie Macpherson

(The local inspector) has asked the gully machine to visit the gullies in Bellefield Avenue.”

Update on grass maintenance #dundeewestend

I have in recent weeks had many grass maintenance related issues from residents about council-maintained areas – for example drying areas in council housing estates like Logie, Pentland and Tullideph – where grass is long and in dire need of cutting.      

This issue is not in relation to biodiversity areas but areas that the council maintains in the traditional maintenance way.

I am aware this is a city-wide not just a West End issue but I took it up with the Head of Environment who has given me the following assurance :

“As we are now reaching the peak of the growing season, and due to the prolonged dry hot spell being experienced, the council is receiving a high number of requests to resume grass cutting in all locations. The service is also being impacted by higher than usual sickness related absence due to covid related issues.

However, I can update that the area teams are concentrating at the present time on having all areas that are currently behind caught up within the next 7-14 days.

I would be very grateful for your continued patience at this moment as our frontline teams are working hard to get round all sites at the earliest opportunity.”