Temporary Traffic Order – Abbotsford Place

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of carriageway resurfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Abbotsford Place (Blackness Avenue to Peddie Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Monday 9th August 2021 for five working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available Blackness Avenue / Hawkhill / Peddie Street and in reverse.

For further information contact 433168.

Executive Director
City Development Department
Dundee City Council

Getting things done – Riverside Avenue/Drive #dundeewestend

A resident recently highlighted to me that the foliage on the roundabout at Riverside Avenue/Drive near the Riverside Inn  is so overgrown, a pedestrian trying to cross cannot see on-coming traffic.

I have therefore asked the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership to attend to this ASAP and have been promised this will take place this weekend.

Getting things done – Logie Avenue #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted overgrown foliage from council-maintained ground on Logie Avenue that is protruding right across the pavement.

I have raised this with the City Council to get this cut back.

Getting things done – Union Place #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who recently highlighted the poor state of repair of the road at the south end of Union Place.

I have highlighted this to the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership requesting repairs.

Getting things done – Westgate Health Centre #dundeewestend

Many West End residents use the Westgate Health Centre for their GP services.

I have received requests that the practice has a handrail added outside the entrance to assist patients with mobility difficulties parking in the disabled parking bays to get from there to the GP entrance.

I raised this with NHS Tayside and its Medical Director has helpfully responded as follows :

“NHS Tayside is committed to ensuring our sites are accessible for patients and I can confirm that improvements to ramp access have been made and automatic doors have been installed at the health centre in recent years.

The issue regarding the lack of handrails has been passed to our Property Team and I can advise that a handrail will be designed and fitted as soon as possible.   This is being done in consultation with the Westgate Practice Manager.   

We will also undertake an assessment of the roadways and footpaths as required to ensure the continued safety of patients.”