Getting things done – Tait’s Lane to Peddie Street #dundeewestend

I have recently received a number of complaints about the pathway that runs from around half way up Tait’s Lane eastwards to Peddie Street – it is really needing a tidy and new planting.

I took this up with our local council environment manager who has responded helpfully as follows :

“The path is overgrown with weeds, this is manly due to our recent staffing issues and there are similar issues in other areas of the city.    We are currently putting together a list of them and are putting together a hit squad to deal with all these areas in one fell swoop.   This should be done within the next couple of weeks.

The path is relatively clear of litter but there is a considerable amount trapped at the sides in the weeds. It looks like it has been like that for some time so I have instructed the supervisor to remind the person on this area that he has to keep the whole path clear and not just the part that folk usually walk on.

The shrub beds are probably past redemption now and will likely require replanting. This would be something we would do in the Autumn, however I thought the whole area was looking tired and could do with a refresh. I have asked our projects team if they would consider doing this over the winter.”

Getting things done – Benvie Road #dundeewestend

Residents have contacted me about the state of the former and now derelict garage site at the top end of Benvie Road, which is in private ownership.

The trees are needing cut back as they now overhang adjacent properties and some of the fencing has fallen and needs repaired.

I have therefore written to the owner requesting that he takes steps to address these concerns. 

Getting things done – Perth Road and Peddie Street #dundeewestend

Residents recently contacted me about TV/satellite loose cables across the pavement in Perth Road just west of Miller’s Wynd that presented a trip hazard.

I took this up with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and the local roads inspector had the cabling tied up to remove the problem.

I have since had concerns of a similar problem on Perth road further east at Pennycook Lane and also in Peddie Street (see photos) and have requested similar action there.

Getting things done – Roseangle playpark #dundeewestend

Parents and carers of the children using the Roseangle/Magdalen Green playpark contacted me recently about the popular zip wire not being operational.

As one parent said, “The zip line is a big hit and I feel so bad for them that it’s gone.”

I therefore contacted environment management at the City Council and have been advised :

The zip wire seat was removed as part of a routine inspection/maintenance visit by our Play Team due to wear on the attaching U bolts.

Replacement bolts have been ordered and the seat will be replaced as soon as they are received.”

Safety update – Balgay Road/Blackness Road and Avenue junction #dundeewestend

Further to the numerous concerns raised with me by residents following a number of accidents at the Balgay Road/Blackness Road and Avenue junction, I raised the matter with Traffic and Road Safety Team Leader at the City Council.

I am pleased to have now had the following helpful update :

“We have been out to this junction and have spoken to adjacent residents regarding the junction and they were quite informative. 

It is our intention to include this junction as a future road safety location and we will be looking to undertake additional measures to improve road safety for the travelling public.  

I cannot say what the measures will be but once we have had a more detailed look I will provide you with an updated situation when we have it.”

I also raised the matter at the council’s City Development Committee last night during a discussion about road safety.    

I am anxious to ensure that there is road safety work undertaken at this location as soon as possible.     Four accidents in as many months is a real concern and it is vital the issue is tackled.

At committee last night, I also raised residents’ requests to include Windsor Street in the adjacent 20mph zone.     I suggested the council go through the traffic regulation order process to consult residents and other stakeholders on this.    My proposal was unfortunately rejected 15-12, voted down by the SNP administration.

I also highlighted the need to include other West End sites for future 20mph zones and specifically mentioned the Logie area as many residents have said to me that they would welcome a lower speed limit in Logie given the narrow streets and number of elderly residents.   Officers did commit to give this consideration and this is to be welcomed.