Getting things done – Arnhall Drive #dundeewestend

Residents have recently contacted me about the deteriorating state of the road surface in Arnhall Drive, including potholes – see below :

I raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following helpful feedback :

“We have inspected the road and found a couple of Category 3 potholes (repair within 30 working days). 

Many parts look worse than they are due to it being a concrete road that has been surface dressed.

 However, on checking the carriageway programme it was due to receive an overlay in 2023/24, this is under review so this may move. 

We should have a better idea in the next few months when the review is complete.”

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



A90 Kingsway (at Invergowrie roundabout) – lane closures for 3 weeks for third party works.

South Tay Street – temporary traffic lights from Monday 20 September for 2 weeks for footway works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Nethergate (West Marketgait to South Tay Street) – closed on Tuesday 21 and Tuesday 28 September for Scottish Water investigation work.

Lochee Road (at Balgayview Gardens) – temporary traffic lights from Friday 24 September for one week for SGN work.

Blackness Avenue – closed from Monday 4 October for 4 weeks for carriageway resurfacing.

Logie Street at junction with Ancrum Road – 3 way temporary traffic lights from 11 October for 4 days for City Fibre works.

Temporary Traffic Order – Nethergate

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water investigation works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Nethergate (westbound between West Marketgait and South Tay Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Tuesday 21 September 2021 for one day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via West Marketgait / Hawkhill / Perth Road / Nethergate.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Ninewells Hospital parking charges – a further update #dundeewestend

As residents will be aware, I welcomed the final abolition of parking charges at Ninewells Hospital, having campaigned against them for many years.      

The charges have acted as a tax on ill-health – as Ninewells is a hospital serving a large region and for many patients and visitors, particularly from outwith Dundee, public transport options to Ninewells are often limited or non-existent.

Additionally, however, the charges have resulted in many vehicles parked on adjacent residential streets.

Scottish Government made a promise to abolish all hospital parking charges back in 2007.   It may have come 14 years late, but the decision to not reimpose charges after their initially temporary suspension due to the COVID health emergency, is welcome.

I did raise a number of questions with the Head of Soft Facilities at NHS Tayside as follows :

1. That there will still be an enforcement presence within the hospital grounds/car parks?

2. How NHS Tayside will try to ensure no further spillage of vehicles onto adjacent streets?

3. Question 2 above really arises from staff member concerns about what they perceive to be inadequate staff spaces.     Can you give reassurance on capacity for NHS Tayside staff at Ninewells going forward?

He has since responded as follows :

“I can confirm that there is a parking control system in place which has been enhanced over the years in conjunction with staff-side colleagues and external partners to support effective management of our car parks.  Furthermore, we are now arranging a further review that will ensure that the free parking regime continues to operate efficiently and effectively for maximum benefit for all patients, visitors and staff.
At Ninewells we have 2383 car parking spaces on site and we are regularly at full capacity during peak periods.  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how people travel and it is also predicted that with the permanent removal of charges, car parking at Ninewells could become more challenging.  I would like to give you reassurance we are taking all reasonable steps to manage parking within the Ninewells campus.
The vast majority of spaces are available for NHS staff, however we have recently reintroduced dedicated short stay car parks for patients and visitors to help ensure turnover of cars so that spaces are available throughout the day. The initial feedback has been very positive and we will continue to monitor to ensure that parking continues to be managed efficiently and effectively to benefit patients, visitors and staff.
NHS Tayside will continue to engage with local authority, other NHS Boards, travel planning and public transport organisations to ensure that best solutions are adopted wherever possible to support access to hospital facilities.
I hope the above provides you with assurance that there are plans in place to effectively manage parking on the Ninewells site.”

I will, of course, continue to keep a close eye on this and resopnd to any residents’ concerns around the Ninewells parking issue. 

Dundee Green Walk tomorrow! #dundeewestend

Friends of the Earth Tayside is organising the Dundee Green Walk tomorrow – Saturday 18 September – in conjunction with the University of Dundee Botanic Garden, where it will start (at 10 am) and finish.

It is being held to highlight the Climate Emergency in the run-up to the COP26 UN Climate Conference in November, and is supported by the Tayside COP26 Coalition.

It’s free to take part and is 6 km (3.7 miles) with only a couple of gentle slopes.

There will be speakers to welcome you to the Ninewells Community Garden and the Riverside Nature Park, and tell you something about the importance of Dundee’s green spaces for biodiversity and tackling climate change.

You can go to hear the talks without walking the whole route, if you wish, at the times indicated.

There will also be a “walk-and-talk” at 2pm at the Botanic Garden, where you can spend the rest of the day, at no cost, other than any refreshments at the cafe.