Temporary Traffic Order – Blackness Avenue

From the City Council :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating carriageway resurfacing works.  The Order is expected to be in force for 4 weeks from 4 October 2021.  Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months. 

The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Blackness Avenue for its entire length.

The works will be completed in 2 separate phases: Phase 1 – Perth Road to Seymour Street (west side) and Phase 2 – Seymour Street (west side) to Blackness Road.  The entry to and exit from Seymour Street at its junction with Blackness Avenue will be prohibited during Phase 1 of the works.

An alternative route will be available via Hawkhill, Peddie Street, Blackness Road and in reverse. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS or phone 433168.

Road safety in Logie #dundeewestend

At a recent meeting of the council’s City Development Committee, future 20 mph zones were discussed.    

On the proposed list of new zones to be implemented in the period to 2027, I was disappointed to note no new proposals for the West End and I highlighted during the meeting that I regularly raise with roads officers residents’ requests for further 20 mph zones in residential areas.

The area I have had most requests for is the Logie area where there is a large elderly population given the northern part of the estate is sheltered housing.    Having very narrow streets, Logie meets the criteria for a 20 mph zone so, after the meeting, I wrote to officers to again press the case for Logie to be considered in the future.

I have had a positive response from the Senior Engineer – Traffic & Road Safety – at the City Council as follows :

With regard to your concerns raised, please be assured that the council is committed to logging and assessing all requests for 20 mph limits and although this year’s Committee Report did not have the Logie area listed in the five-year programme, this list is not in a priority order and sites can and will be added.

I can confirm that the Logie estate area will be added to the 20 mph five-year programme list in next year’s annual Road Safety Committee Report.

This is good news and I will continue to raise other parts of the West End where residents make requests for lower speed limits in highly residential areas.

Temporary Traffic Order – Nethergate

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water investigation works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Nethergate (westbound between West Marketgait and South Tay Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Tuesday 28 September 2021 for one day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via West Marketgait / Hawkhill / Perth Road / Nethergate.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Road safety at Balgay Hill – an update #dundeewestend

As residents may recall, some time ago, I discussed with officers in environment management at the City Council measures to improve safety on the roadway at Balgay Hill going up to the observatory. This included better signage of the 10 mph speed limit and better traffic management to protect pedestrians.

Progress with this has been delayed due to the COVID-19 health emergency but I recently asked for an update on the matter and have been given the following helpful feedback from the Service Manager – Environment at the City Council :

“I appreciate your understanding throughout the covid 19 emergency and would confirm that we remain outwith our normal service provision due to ongoing measures. Nevertheless, we have made some progress since we last exchanged emails. Our discussions with the City Engineers have led to a costed design for traffic calming measures in the form of speed bumps and additional signage along the road.

It is our intention to progress the above works this financial year.

In the meantime, we will be arranging for the road to be swept again, to reveal the white paint is fully visible before the observatory is opened and traffic is permitted passed the gate.

We will also ensure the rock armour placement is correct which can be moved if necessary.”

West End parking charges to unfortunately return #dundeewestend

As residents know, I have consistently opposed the imposition of car parking charges at seven West End car parks – Roseangle, Pennycook Lane, Miller’s Wynd, Ryehill Lane, Mid Wynd, Union Street North and Bellfield Street North.

In advance of bringing in a residents’ priority parking scheme, these are simply an unfair tax on local residents, having to pay for the ‘privilege’ of parking near their homes.

The charges have been suspended during the COVID-10 health emergency but, with the start of the University of Dundee’s first semester, are being reintroduced from Monday 27th September.   I view this as not acceptable, particularly as so many residents are still working from home.

However, I have been assured that the City Development Department intends completing the residents’ parking consultation in parts of the West End, Coldside and Maryfield Wards by the end of 2021 and will bring a report of possible options for residents’ parking to committee – hopefully in December.

I will, of course, continue to keep residents updated.