Operation After Dark – Winter Home Security

From Tayside Police Division :

“Well the summer time has officially gone, as the clocks went back at the weekend there, and it’s time for our annual Operation After Dark.

As part of this ongoing effort to raise winter home security awareness, this week officers will be out on both high-visibility and plain clothes patrols in areas that are often targeted by thieves.

They will be identifying any property which appears to be vulnerable, speaking with occupiers of identified addresses, and delivering security advice leaflets.

Some basic crime prevention advice for the darker / shorter days includes : 

 ·         Ensure that timer switches are being used on lights / radios to make it look and sound like someone is within.

·         Ensure that all windows and doors are kept secure when you leave your property or go to bed.

·         Ensure security lighting is in working order – potential housebreakers do not like being seen.

·         Ensure garden tools / ladders are locked away when not in use – these are often used to assist with gaining entry to your house.

·         Ensure sheds and outbuildings have a good quality lock fitted – these are often the first place targeted.

·         Don’t leave bins out when they don’t need to be – another sign that you or your neighbour’s home may be unoccupied.

·        Catalogue all your property as best possible.”

More home security advice is available at 
