Opening remarks by SLW officiating at opening ceremony of Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2023 (with photos)

     Following are the opening remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, officiating at the opening ceremony of the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2023 co-hosted by the Government and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service this morning (November 23):

Ladies and gentlemen,

     A very warm welcome to you all from overseas or the Mainland, or coming here within Hong Kong.

     First of all, I would like to extend my greatest appreciation to the organiser for making this Expo and Summit a possibility. This is the seventh edition of the Expo. We organised the first one six years ago. At that time, I think it might be a baby step, trying to understand and explore what we can make use of technology to address the ageing challenge in Hong Kong. After seven years of hard work and a lot of internal deliberation, I think, if I may say, we are now into early adulthood, so we know what we need.

     The Government is making significant investment into gerontechnology and we are witnessing huge support from all over society to make better use of technology to help, first of all, the elderly, but also more importantly, their carers. We see a lot of potential in technology. I am sure all the exhibitors today in this great hall are not just going to showcase your great technology and ideas, but also bring them home to a lot of those who need technological solutions to make their life easier and better.

     Looking forward, in order to make gerontechnology a huge success in Hong Kong, we have to, at least, look at three factors. First of all, cost. We have to make sure it is affordable. We look forward to a wider user net. Secondly, fit for purpose. Hong Kong is a very unique community. We are living in a very crowded space. Every inch of usable space is highly precious, so you have to plan everything into a very compact machine to make sure it works in Hong Kong. I think that is very important. Of course, last but not least, the easiness to use. If you can just condense it into a one quick button so that older people and their carers can make use of it.

     With these remarks, I would like to wish the Expo every success and hope you have a highly enjoyable and eye-opening experience here in the Expo. Thank you very much.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the opening remarks.)

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