Opening arrangements for LCSD recreation and sports facilities during Lunar New Year holidays

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (January 10) that its parks and playgrounds will remain open during the Lunar New Year holiday period. The Leisure Link Internet booking service will also operate as usual throughout the holidays.

     However, sports centres, various fee-charging land-based facilities, swimming pools and water sports centres will be closed during the first three days of the Lunar New Year (January 25 to 27). Services at gazetted beaches will also be suspended. Stadia and all sports grounds will be closed unless advance bookings have been made.
     Holiday camps will be closed during the first three days of the Lunar New Year and lodging will not be provided on Lunar New Year's Eve (January 24).
     But for public convenience some sports centres, turf pitches, squash courts, tennis courts, the archery range at Ngau Chi Wan Park, the indoor bowling greens at Island East Sports Centre, Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre and the sports facilities and squash courts at Queen Elizabeth Stadium will reopen on the third day of the Lunar New Year (January 27).
     Leisure Link booking counters at venues will not operate when the venues are closed. For venues scheduled to reopen on January 27, their Leisure Link booking counters will also resume operation on the same day. 
     Details of the opening arrangements for LCSD recreation and sports venues during the Lunar New Year holidays have been posted at all venues and uploaded to the department's website (