Open consultation: Working with communities: implementing geological disposal

This consultation seeks views on how communities should be engaged in a siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility for higher activity radioactive waste.

The proposals build on commitments set out in the 2014 White Paper ‘Implementing Geological Disposal’, in which the UK Government and Northern Ireland Executive jointly set out an approach based on working with communities in England and Northern Ireland that are willing to participate in the siting process for a geological disposal facility. They relate to how communities should be engaged, how early community investment could be provided to communities that participate in the siting process, how a right of withdrawal could operate throughout the siting process, and how a test of public support could be carried out before construction and operation of a geological disposal facility.

The policy proposals being consulted on here apply to England and Northern Ireland only but anyone from across the UK can respond.

The Welsh Government is consulting in parallel on its policy for arrangements for engaging with communities in Wales in relation to the development of a Geological Disposal Facility. Although this is likely to be undertaken in parallel to the BEIS consultation, it will be a distinct process reflecting the unique characteristics of a siting process in Wales, including the different planning and local government systems and the Welsh language.