Open consultation: West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ)

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is seeking views on draft proposals for the potential management of commercial fishing in the part of West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) inshore of 12 nautical miles.

After a period of informal consultation MMO is considering a management option and would like feedback from all interested parties on the proposed management measure.

The MMO would like any information you feel could be relevant to inform our decision for management at this site. In particular we are interested in understanding the following:

  • do you have information about the location, condition or sensitivity of the designated features?
  • do you have information about the level or nature of fishing activity in the inshore (0-12 nm) section of the site?
  • how the proposed management options affect you? (Please provide evidence of this impact if possible)
  • what other effects would the proposed management option have?

Full details of the proposal can be found via the links below, and contact details for your response can be found to the right.

More information on managing fisheries in Marine Protected Areas (MPA).


Marine Conservation Team

Telphone: 0300 123 1032
