Closed consultation: Standard rules consultation No 17: medium combustion plant and specified generators


Updated: New document published – Standard rules consultation No 17: summary of consultation responses and decisions.

The Environment Agency proposes to have new and revised standard rules environmental permits to cover operation of medium combustion plant (MCP) and emission controls on generators.

The standards within the rule sets have already been imposed by the Medium Combustion Plant Directive and Specified Generator Regulations and are being implemented through the rules. They contain additional rules on the objectives that need to be achieved, such as management of the MCP or generator.

We are asking for your views on whether the use of new standard rules are appropriate for the environmental permitting of MCPs and specified generators. We also welcome your views on the use of a single standard permit issued to a specific operator for a number of MCPs at different locations.

We will use your responses to help develop the standard rules sets. We aim to publish the new standard rules sets in July 2018.

The new standard rules permits are an efficient way of regulating for both operators and the Environment Agency. They will also protect the environment from pollution.

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