Open consultation: Contracts for Difference (CfD): proposed amendments to the contract


The government consulted on proposed changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme in December 2017, and has published its response.

We’re now seeking further views on how decisions on matters covered in that consultation will be implemented into the CfD scheme. We invite comments on the revised drafts of the CfD Standard Terms and Conditions and the CfD generic Agreement published alongside this document: the proposed amendments are shown as tracked changes in these documents.

We also welcome views on a small number of new proposals addressing associated issues that emerged during the original consultation, and on proposed minor and technical contract changes to ensure that the contract terms remain effective. These include:

  • the way in which reference price forecasts are used during the allocation process
  • the treatment of those technologies which are eligible to participate in the CfD scheme regardless of whether they deploy with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) (i.e. the ‘optional CHP’ technologies, currently advanced conversion technologies, anaerobic digestion and geothermal)
  • Issue 7 of the CHP Quality Assurance (CHPQA) Standard and Guidance Note 44 giving effect to new increased efficiency requirements for CHP projects. New versions of both these documents are available on this page, with changes marked
  • Brexit-related changes to ensure that the CfD contract functions effectively after the UK has left the European Union
  • a series of proposed minor and technical changes to ensure that the contract terms remain effective

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