Only a Labour government will fully protect the independence of DFID and its world-class expertise and leadership – Kate Osamor


Osamor MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
, commenting on the
release of the National Audit Office report into aid spending, said: 

should be proud that British aid is transforming millions of lives and working
to make the world more peaceful and secure. This watchdog report shows
that DFID has become a world leader in preventing fraud and managing aid
effectively and transparently. But under this divided Conservative government,
Ministers are fighting each other for control of the aid budget.

“This report highlights
how the ever-increasing proportion
of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) now being spent by
other government departments isn’t subject to the proper scrutiny or effective
management that we know the Department for International Development
(DFID) brings. The Conservative government needs to quickly make sure all
aid spending by all departments meets key transparency criteria and is
subject to scrutiny by Parliament’s International Development Committee." 

"Only a
Labour government will fully protect the independence of DFID and its
world-class expertise and leadership. We will keep to our commitment of
spending 0.7% of national income, and

ensure that
we spend that we do so responsibly and

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