Online booking system for departure special nucleic acid testing service at Shenzhen Bay Control Point operates smoothly

     The Government reminded the public today (July 14) that starting from tomorrow (July 15), outbound travellers planning to cross the boundary via the Shenzhen Bay Control Point are required to present proof of booking confirmation for undergoing the special nucleic acid test. Members of the public can reserve the special nucleic acid testing service at the control point through the online booking system. The booking system has been operating smoothly since its commencement at 0.00am today. Currently, there are still ample testing time slots available for reservation.

     The special nucleic acid testing service and time slots for booking at the Shenzhen Bay Control Point are sufficient to meet the overall number of daily cross-boundary passengers. As at 8pm today, the situation of the testing service booking was as follows:

Date of testing Percentage of testing service time slots still available for booking
July 15 54.1%
July 16 59.7%
July 17 66.1%
July 18 70.5%
July 19 76.4%
July 20 99.8%

     After obtaining a reservation at a Shenzhen quarantine hotel, members of the public could reserve through the online booking system a time slot on the day of making the reservation or in the coming six days for special nucleic acid test. Each testing session is 30 minutes. They are required to input their name, identification document number and reservation number of the Shenzhen quarantine hotel when making the booking.

     On the day of crossing the boundary, travellers should arrive at the Shenzhen Bay Control Point during the time slot as reserved. They can only undergo the special nucleic acid test upon presentation of the SMS or a screen capture of the booking confirmation to the staff on-site. Those who fail to present the booking confirmation of the special nucleic acid test or fail to arrive at the control point during the reserved time slot will not be able to continue with their journey across the boundary should they eventually not be able to undergo the test at the control point.
     The Government will keep monitoring the cross-boundary passenger flow closely and expand the testing capacity and waiting area at appropriate juncture with a view to streamlining the clearance procedures.