One month left to have your say on the future of quality and governance of health and social care services in Wales

Proposals, which are currently out for consultation until the 29 September, are part of a White Paper, Services Fit for the Future, Quality and Governance in Health and Care in Wales.

The White Paper is designed to support and encourage more integrated ways of working and better decision-making, putting the interests of people at the heart of service planning and delivery.  

The proposals include common standards and joint complaints handling; better decision-making across health boards including a new Duty of Quality for the Population of Wales and a clearer process for service change; as well as further promoting a culture of openness in the health and social care system through a new Duty of Candour.  

There are also proposals for strengthening the boards of NHS organisations  and involvement of  the public  across health and social care, and for regulation and inspection. 

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said: 

“The innovative and progressive proposals we have put forward will ensure our health and social care services are fit for the future. 

“The White Paper looks at a number of key aspects of the health and care system and suggests some changes which we believe could make a real difference by putting people at the centre of service delivery.  It will also enable health and social care organisations to work together and across boundaries to ensure they deliver the very best care for people across Wales. 

“With one month to go until the consultation closes, I encourage anyone with an interest in health and social care services to have your say on our White Paper consultation before it’s too late.”