OGCIO Analyst/Programmer preliminarily tests positive for COVID-19

     â€‹The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) today (December 16) said that an Analyst/Programmer grade officer has preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19.

     The officer concerned provides IT procurement-related administrative services at 6/F, North Point Government Offices. The area he works at is not open to the public and he does not have contact with members of the public while at work. He last performed his duties on December 14. He felt unwell earlier and sought medical treatment at a clinic. He was notified last night that he had preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19. The staff concerned has no recent travel history. He wore surgical masks when performing his duties. His body temperature was normal when undergoing temperature screening during work.

     The OGCIO has arranged a thorough cleaning and sterilisation at the work areas concerned and will closely co-operate with the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) on its epidemiological investigations. The OGCIO has also arranged for the staff who worked with the officer to work from home and undergo COVID-19 testing.

     The OGCIO has strictly adopted relevant hygienic measures for infectious diseases provided by the CHP. All staff are reminded to strictly comply with the anti-epidemic measures, pay attention to personal hygiene and consult a doctor promptly if they develop any symptoms.