Ofsted publications during pre-election period

Children in playground.

During the pre-election period, we’ll be publishing less content, in line with Cabinet Office guidelines.

We will delay planned publication of research reports until after the election, along with the texts of speeches, press notices and news stories. We’re moving the launch of our Annual Report to January.

We will not be publishing reports on:

  • inspections of local authority (LA) children’s services (ILACS)
  • joint targeted area inspections (JTAIs)
  • local area special educational needs and disabilities (LA SEND) provision
  • LA-run children’s homes
  • LA-run further education and skills (FES) provision
  • fostering or adoption agencies that have had functions delegated to them by a local authority

All other inspection reports will be published, which includes all schools and early years providers, including LA-maintained schools as well as non-LA FES providers.

During this period we will continue to publish pre-announced official statistics (ONS), but our management information releases will be suspended until after the election.

Published 6 November 2019