Official Statistics: UK statistics on waste

Updated: Revisions to release and associated datasets.

This release contains statistics on waste produced at a UK level. The topics covered in this publication are:

  • Waste from Households – 2010-16. UK and country breakdown.
  • BMW (Biodegradable Municipal Waste) to landfill – 2010-16. UK and country breakdown.
  • WStatR (Waste Statistics Regulation) generation breakdown – 2012 & 2014. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • WStatR treatment breakdown – 2012 & 2014. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • WStatR infrastructure breakdown – 2014. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • C&I (Commercial and Industrial) waste generation – UK 2010, 2012 & 2014, England 2010 – 2016. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • C&D (Construction and Demolition) recovery – 2010-15. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • Packaging waste recycling and recovery – 2016. UK only.

UK figures are compiled to comply with reporting requirements against the EC Waste Framework Directive, EC Waste Statistics Regulation, EC Landfill Directive and EC Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

The datasets associated with this publication can be found here ENV23 – UK statistics on waste

Defra statistics: environment

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