October 2022 issue of “Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics” now available


     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published today (October 17) the October 2022 issue of the "Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics" (HKMDS).
     Apart from providing up-to-date statistics, this issue also contains two feature articles entitled "Analysis of Hong Kong's External Merchandise Trade by Industry" and "The Characteristics of Women and Men, 2021".
"Analysis of Hong Kong's External Merchandise Trade by Industry"
     The C&SD has compiled a set of statistics on trade by industry of importers/exporters in order to provide insights into the external merchandise trading activities of individual industries.
     In 2021, "transportation, storage, postal and courier services" and "import/export and wholesale trades" were the two major industries, together contributing about 93% of the total trade value. On the export side, the contribution of small and medium sized enterprises in these two industries was 46% and 66% of their respective exports.
     This feature article also presents further analyses of imports and exports of major industries by major trading partner and major commodity group.
     For enquiries about this feature article, please contact the Trade Analysis Section of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 4914; email: trade@censtatd.gov.hk).
"The Characteristics of Women and Men, 2021"
     There were some changes in the characteristics of women and men in Hong Kong along with the social and economic development of Hong Kong during the past decade. This feature article gives an overview of and analyses selected characteristics of women and men of different age groups in Hong Kong. Readers who are interested in further details of the female and male population may refer to the report "Women and Men in Hong Kong – Key Statistics (2022 Edition)". Besides, readers may also browse the website of 2021 Population Census for detailed statistics related to the population of Hong Kong.
     For enquiries about this feature article, please contact the Social Surveys Section (2) of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5179; email: thematic@censtatd.gov.hk).
     Published in bilingual form, the HKMDS is a compact volume of official statistics containing about 140 tables. It collects up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong. Topics include population; labour; external trade; National Income and Balance of Payments; prices; business performance; energy; housing and property; government accounts, finance and insurance; and transport, communications and tourism. For selected key statistical items, over 20 charts depicting the annual trend in the past decade and quarterly or monthly trend in the recent two years are also available. Users can download the Digest at the website of the C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/EIndexbySubject.html?pcode=B1010002&scode=460).
     Enquiries about the contents of the Digest can be directed to the Statistical Information Dissemination Section (1) of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 4738; email: gen-enquiry@censtatd.gov.hk).

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