Nursing Council of Hong Kong launches Voluntary Scheme on Advanced and Specialised Nursing Practice


     The Nursing Council of Hong Kong today (January 27) launched the Voluntary Scheme on Advanced and Specialised Nursing Practice.
     To shoulder the responsibility for professional development of nurses and pave the way for setting up a statutory registration system for advanced practice nurses in the long run, the Council has accepted an invitation from the Food and Health Bureau in April 2018 to formulate and implement the Scheme. A Working Group on Advanced and Specialised Nursing Practice, comprising Council Members and representatives from the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, nursing training institutions and major employers of registered nurses as well as nursing organisations, was formed under the Council for the Scheme. Subsequently, the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing and its colleges have also been invited to set up panels to formulate the relevant core competencies for the following 16 specialties:

  1. Cardiac Nursing;
  2. Community, Primary and Public Health Nursing;
  3. Critical Care Nursing;
  4. Education and Research in Nursing;
  5. Emergency Care Nursing;
  6. Gerontology Nursing;
  7. Gynaecology Nursing;
  8. Infection Control in Nursing;
  9. Management in Nursing;
  10. Medical Nursing;
  11. Mental Health Nursing;
  12. Oncology Nursing;
  13. Orthopaedic Nursing;
  14. Paediatric Nursing;
  15. Perioperative and Anaesthesia Nursing; and
  16. Surgical Nursing.

     Applications for recognition as advanced practice nurses in Oncology Nursing, Management in Nursing and Gynaecology Nursing are now accepted. Eligible registered nurses are invited to submit applications for the three specialties through their current employers. Details of the Scheme are available at the Council's website ( For enquiries concerning the Scheme and the application procedure, please contact the Council Secretariat by phone at 2527 8334 or by email at

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