Now Greens surrender to SNP right across the country

9 May 2017

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The Greens are to field less than 10 candidates across Scotland in the upcoming General Election, it has been reported.

The move came after the SNP urged the party to stand aside in various seats in order to create a “Yes alliance”.

Now the Greens have bowed to that pressure, meaning they won’t feature on the ballot paper in seats like Moray and Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross.

Two years ago, the Greens fielded 32 candidates for the General Election.

But after pressure from colleagues in the SNP, party bosses have opted hardly to feature at all this time around.

Scottish Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser said:

“This is the Green party reaffirming themselves as a pointless presence in Scottish politics.

“The propping up of the SNP is embarrassing and a complete disservice to their voters.

“Quite simply, they might as well not exist.

“If they are so determined to become the SNP, they should disband and merge with the nationalists.

“It’s utterly regrettable that a party previously committed to issues like the environment have become nothing but a support mechanism for the SNP.”

Earlier, it was confirmed the Greens wouldn’t stand in Angus Robertson’s Moray seat:

Now it’s been reported the party will field less than 10 candidates at the General Election in Scotland: