Northern Ireland Executive

Maghaberry prison ‘stitch-in-time’ gang crocheting hats for premature babies

Prisoners in Maghaberry have mastered the delicate art of crocheting to make tiny hats for premature babies, blankets for the elderly and scarves for homeless.

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Road improvement scheme for Cherry Road, Belfast

A £270,000 carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme on Cherry Road, Belfast commenced on Monday 23 January 2023.

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Department calls for respectful debate

The Department of Health would ask for respectful public debate on the future of health and social care services.

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Essential Skills Enrolments and Outcomes in Northern Ireland from 2017/18 to 2021/22

The Department for the Economy has today published a statistical bulletin: Essential Skills Enrolments and Outcomes in Northern Ireland from 2017/18 to 2021/22.

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AHP Research and Innovation Strategy Northern Ireland

The Department of Health recently launched the Allied Health Professions’ Research and Innovation Strategy for Northern Ireland.

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