Non quota species working group minutes published

News story

Stakeholders with an interest in management planning for demersal non quota species in the Channel can now read the first minutes of a working group set up with fishermen.

Red Gurnard

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and key stakeholders established the forum to support development the Channel demersal non quota species Fisheries Management Plan (‘Channel NQS FMP).

Members from across commercial and recreational fishing industries working in ICES areas 7d and 7e contributed to a useful discussion on key topics, including which species could be prioritised for the plan and how MMO and stakeholders will work together.

You can read the minutes in full here.

MMO is committed to making it simple for fishermen to keep up to date with the work of the group and will therefore publish the minutes of each meeting, which will be held monthly to begin with, online.

The working group is one of a number of ways MMO is engaging with stakeholders on the future management of demersal non quota species in the Channel.

We encourage fishermen and interested marine stakeholders to send us their views at

Published 26 October 2022