‘No room for complacency’ when survival of future generations is at stake, Bhutan tells UN Assembly

22 September 2017 – Addressing global leaders at the 72nd annual general debate at the United Nations, the Prime Minister of Bhutan underscored that the impacts of climate change – illustrated by devastating hurricanes and floods, and record-setting temperatures year after year – are very real.

“After centuries of neglect, fighting climate change is complex and expensive,” said Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, underlining the need for all countries to fulfil their respective commitments.

“I am optimistic that we will be able to prevent the worst effects of climate change. But for that we must work together.”

Underscoring the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), he highlighted that poverty eradication is a critical component of all 17 Goals, and that while the endeavour is a complex challenge, it is possible with concerted effort.

The Prime Minister also spoke on the challenges posed by terrorism, as well as threats to international peace and security, and urged all countries to contribute to making the world a safer place.

Also in his address, the Mister Tobgay noted the reform initiatives by Secretary-General António Guterres and urged all UN Member States to support those measures. He also highlighted the ‘gross national happiness’ approach to development adopted by Bhutan as well as efforts to strengthen democracy in the nation.