No new thinking from Sajid Javid after seven years of Tory failure on housing – Healey


Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, responding to
Sajid Javid’s Conference speech:

May admits seven years of Tory failure on housing was a big part of why her
Party did so badly in the Election.

“Yet four
months on, Sajid Javid’s speech shows there’s no new Tory thinking on housing.
His pledges are feeble and fail to offer help or hope to millions who can’t get
the home they need or aspire to.

nothing new from the Conservatives which will tackle the country’s housing
crisis or fix the broken housing market. This is yet another speech that aims
to help the few, not the many.

people held back by a broken housing market don’t need Theresa May’s empty
empathy but a consumer rights revolution for renters, new discount homes for
first time buyers and the big-scale building programme of genuinely affordable
homes to rent and buy that Labour set out in our Election manifesto.“

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