Ninth round of Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme approves five projects

     The Secretariat of the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme (CCFS) announced today (June 19) that the Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation (ACCC) had approved five CCFS projects, involving a total grant of around $39 million in the latest round of applications.
     The newly approved projects include enhancing conservation of biodiversity in Fung Yuen, Tai Po, and nature conservation in Mui Tsz Lam, Sha Tau Kok; research on conservation of the ecology and wetland system in Sha Lo Tung (SLT); the establishment of a smart ecological monitoring network in Mai Po; and the application of data analysis in Yim Tin Tsai to promote the conservation of ecological and cultural resources. These projects will help continuously promote countryside conservation and village revitalisation, and attract more people to conduct eco-tours in the countryside.
      In addition, the tendering exercise in relation to the Proactive Conservation Project in SLT approved by the ACCC in the last round of applications was completed through the Government's established procurement and tendering procedures and commenced on May 1, 2024, with a view to strengthening conservation of biodiversity in SLT and implementing the long-term strategies for conserving SLT.
     A total of 50 projects involving a total subsidy amount of around $274 million has been approved under the nine rounds of CCFS applications conducted so far, supporting local non-profit-making organisations’ work in promoting different aspects of conservation and revitalisation, such as natural ecology, non-graded built heritage, and cultural and historic assets. All CCFS applications are examined and considered by the ACCC, which is chaired by the Secretary for Environment and Ecology. Details of the approved projects are available on the CCFS webpage (