NHS staff are long overdue a pay rise which matches the compassion & dedication they bring to their working lives – Jonathan Ashworth


Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary,
responding to a pay protest by NHS staff at
Parliament today (Wednesday 6 September 2017), said:

staff are long overdue a pay rise which matches the compassion and dedication
which they bring to their working lives. The Tory Government has taken NHS
staff for granted for years and the result is staffing shortages across the
health service and ever longer waits for patients.

“72 per cent of the public now
think that there are too few nurses to provide safe care to patients. This is
totally unsustainable. The Government’s public sector pay cap has created a
workforce crisis in the NHS which is driving trust deficits and causing misery
for patients.

Tories are hinting the cap will eventually be lifted but they voted
against Labour’s amendment to lift the pay cap earlier in the summer. It’s
simply not good enough. Nurses, midwives and paramedics should be valued and
rewarded for the brilliant work that they do and the Government must make their
plans on NHS pay clear now, before it is too late.”

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