NHS deal for Scotland

17 Jun 2018


Ruth Davidson has today welcomed the UK government’s decision to invest an extra £20 billion in the NHS.

The deal will mean the Scottish Government will receive a £2bn windfall to support health care in Scotland.

The Scottish Conservatives are today demanding that Nicola Sturgeon make it clear that every penny of the extra funding goes to health care in Scotland.

Today’s announcement follows a speech by Ruth Davidson in Glasgow earlier this month in which she called on a major new investment package.

Across the UK, the deal provides an annual increase of 3.4% guaranteed until 2023.

Based on current plans, this announcement will provide the Scottish Government with additional Barnett funding worth £2bn in real terms by 2023/24.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“It is hugely welcome that the UK Conservative Government has provided this long-term funding plan for our NHS.”

“As we celebrate the fact that our NHS is 70 years young, it’s important we look to how we deliver the sustainable health and social care communities across Scotland will require in the future.”

“I believe the best days for our NHS are ahead of it – this financial commitment by the Conservatives will let our health care professionals work to build a stronger, safer, and better NHS for all of us.”

Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary Miles Briggs added:

“Nicola Sturgeon must now make it clear that every penny of the extra cash she receives thanks to this UK government action goes on health care here in Scotland.”

“Too often in the past the SNP has failed to meet extra investment in the rest of the UK. The SNP must not be allowed to do that again. It is time for our NHS to come first.”