News story: VMD survey: The Disposal of Controlled Drugs

The VMD is carrying out a survey on the disposal of controlled drugs. Our aim is to understand the extent of the problem vets face when getting controlled drugs witnessed for disposal.

At present vets must destroy schedule 2 controlled drugs in the presence of and directed by any of the following:

  • an inspector appointed under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations
  • a vet, independent of the practice where the destruction takes place
  • a person legally authorised to witness the destruction of CD such as a Police CD Liaison Officer (CDLO)

We note that there is a shortage of Police CDLOs, alongside inspectors not being in the area and no independent vets within close proximity, therefore have commissioned this survey.

By answering the survey, you will help the VMD establish the extent of this problem around the UK and inform any future possible policy development.

The survey is open until 6 June 2018, is voluntary and open to all UK registered vets. It should not take any longer than 15 minutes to complete. Please note no personal data is being collected, however all data will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Published data will be anonymised and aggregated.

The VMD legislation team is responsible for conducting this survey and can be contacted on 01932 338316 or

The VMD would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, further guidence on controlled drugs is available.