News story: Vital local bypass gets green light

  • Department for Transport invests £27.4 million in new Little Hadham Bypass
  • route expected to cut local journey times by a third, cutting congestion and improving air quality
  • the key infrastructure upgrade also improves access to Stansted Airport

Motorists in Hertfordshire could see nearly an hour a week cut from their journeys along a key route, thanks to a £40 million investment.

Roads Minister Jesse Norman today (23 May 2019) confirmed the Department for Transport will provide £27.4 million, almost three quarters of the total funding, for a Little Hadham Bypass along the A120 between Bishop’s Stortford and the A10.

As well as improving traffic flows in the area, the improvements will reduce congestion and improve air quality in the centre of Little Hadham, improving the overall wellbeing of residents in the village.

The improvements to Hertfordshire’s road infrastructure will also bring specific benefits to Stansted Airport, improving the transport links to the airport, boosting the local economy.

Jesse Norman, Roads Minister, said:

Investment in local roads cuts travel time, boosts business, and can improve air quality by cutting congestion.

This new bypass will significantly benefit both road users and residents in and around Little Hadham as well as across Hertfordshire.

Mark Kemp, Director of Environment and Infrastructure at Hertfordshire County Council, said:

It’s fantastic news for Hertfordshire that the Department for Transport is to provide this funding for construction of the A120 Little Hadham Bypass.

The A120 is a vital transport link in the county, so this is a hugely positive step as it’s important that investment is made to improve it.

The bypass, and flood alleviation scheme, will help to support the growth we’re expecting in Hertfordshire over the next decade or so while improving quality of life in the Little Hadham area.

Adam Wood, Head of Infrastructure and Regeneration, Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership said:

The A120 is a vital east-west link in Hertfordshire’s already congested road network. This bypass will improve the quality of life for residents in the village and significantly reduce journey times along the route.

It is vital when we are faced with such unprecedented growth that we put in the right infrastructure now to support our places, people and businesses.

The plans will see a 4km single carriageway bypass to the north of Little Hadham, and will decrease journey times along the A120, saving regular users and commuters nearly an hour a week.

The scheme will also reduce the risk of flooding in Little Hadham and nearby communities to the south, through work with the Environment Agency to deliver flood reduction measures.

Works will start in June 2019 and the scheme is scheduled to open in Autumn 2020.